Background Image

Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Post!

Sorry for another hiatus guys, I lost track of time, later on I'll be posting an update of the 10 games I'm watching out for as of July, hope you all had a great July 4th weekend to the US readers.

Note: I decided to not post a full Duke Nukem Forever review because I HATED the game, I wont go into to much detail but the gameplay was almost worse then the demo and the actual game was just flat out apalling, so many crude jokes and refrences that were uncalled for even for Dukes' character, my final score is a 5.0.

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