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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gears of War 3 Full Review

Let’s start off with the campaign, in my opinion the Campaign is probably the second best mode of this game, the graphics and story just sucked me in and before you know it I had beaten the entire thing in a night. Now I’ve never played Gears 1 or 2 so I had no idea what the storyline was, but I felt that I didn’t need too. This is a game you can just pickup and play and not have to know really anything about the previous games if you’re not into knowing everything before you play it. So I give the campaign a 5/5, no glitches, no extremely tough spots of the game, it was a great immersive experience and I’ll definitely go back and play the first two.

Ok, now its time for what most of the Gears fans couldn’t wait for, the multiplayer. Let me just start off saying I am not going to give it a bad review because I suck at it, even though I was bringing in scores of 2-15 in Team Deathmatch I was having so much fun, I believe that’s what the developers wanted. I did have one game where I went 22-7 which I thought was near impossible, but back to the point I loved the multiplayer. Now if I invested time into it I could probably kick ass at it but I just don’t have the time to invest. One of the things I didn’t like was AI being in multiplayer, I know it’s just there to fill in a position until someone else joins but I often found the AI on my team never getting a kill and constantly dying, made the experience not as fun when playing with AI. So my final verdict is a 4/5 for the multiplayer.

Horde Mode
Now this is probably the best mode in the game for me, it is an amazing experience when you get a group of friends together to play horde mode. About midnight the other night I hopped on with four randoms and played for like 2 hours (Made it to Wave 43). It was a good fun especially when I accidently took a teammates silverback and didn’t realize he had bought it, I though it had just spawned in, so for the next 24 waves he spent his time shooting me trying to get me to get out of the silverback, I though he was just some annoying brat. Anyways the Horde mode is a great way to just chill from campaign and multiplayer and have some fun with some friends. 5/5

Beast Mode
Now I only had the time to play a match of Beast mode and found it intriguing, I didn’t get too sucked in but thought it was an interesting addition to an already great game. 4/5

So that pretty much concludes this review, I hope it was insightful and if you haven’t picked up the game yet then I highly recommend you do.

Final Score 9.5/10

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