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Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Monday, June 20, 2011

Everything E3 Part 2

Ok guys so here is part 2, I am pretty excited about games that were shown at E3, games like Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Star Wars Kinect, Battlefield 3, Saints Row 3, Forza 4 and many more. So lets get started with my favorite games of E3 and why.

My #10 would have to be Saints Row The Third:
I played a little Saints Sow 2 at a friends house and eventually bought it to play through it myself, it had alot of flaws but the flaws made it fun, things like customizing police cars and the insurance fraud were probably my favorite things to do in that game. So I do look forward to the Third.

My #9 would have to be Rage:
Rage looks like an interesting FPS and from footage I have seen I definitely look forward too Rage.

My #8 would have to be Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary:
This would be higher on my list because Halo is a big part of my gaming career (I just retired from MLG Halo gaming after a 2 1/2 year career) but its just the campaign remastered with multiplayer.

My #7 would have to be Modern Warfare 3:
I am giving Call of Duty its last run for me, not because I hate it but because I have been playing CoD since CoD 2 and MW3 will be my final ode to Cod, I'll hit top rank and set it on my shelf of honor.

My #6 would have to be Resident Evil Raccoon City:
I got a late start on the Resident Evil series buying and playing through the entire co-op campaign of Resident Evil 5 with my brother while we were home for holiday. I enjoyed that all nighter 9 hours of gaming beating it and its a big example of what gaming should be.

My #5 would have to be Fable The Journey:
I am super excited to play Fable The Journey with kinect, it looks like a genuinely satisfying experience and I look forward to blasting people away with my spells.

My #4 would have to be Star Wars Kinect:
After seeing gameplay of this it gave me goosebumps, being able to hack away droids and force push troopers makes me so happy and excited Kinect is the next thing I'm buying.

My #3 would have to be Forza 4:
I recently bought the Xbox 360 250gb slim in January and got Forza 3, I played the hell out of that game and loved it so I look forward to the graphically amazing Forza 4.

My #2 would have to be Ghost Recon Future Soldier:
I played the Ghost Recon series on my PS2 playing the first game and loved that game, after that I fell of that wagon and haven’t picked one up since. Future Soldier looks absolutely awesome, to me its like a blend of Metal Gear Solid and Ghost Recon, I look forward to building a gun with kinect and killing enemies.

My #1 would definitely be Battlefield 3.
I have played the battlefield series since Bad Company #1 and when I saw gameplay for Battlefield 2 I thought will there ever be a three, so I went on too Bad Company 2 and heard an announcement about 3, oh my god this game will take the cake over MW3 by miles. Dice has outdone themselves again and it isn’t even out yet.

So these are my top 10, there were many more I liked and will get but they just didn’t make the Top 10 list.

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