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Monday, June 13, 2011

My thoughts on E3 Part 1: Microsoft PC

This will be coming out in 4 parts, Microsoft PC, Sony PC, Nintendo PC,  My favorites of E3) Note: PC stands for Press Conference.

Ok guys here it is late and ready, my everything at E3 post, I decided to wait until E3 was over so I could include more than my first thoughts.

So lets start of with Press conferences, I think Microsoft had a successful press conference, I did like that it was Kinect heavy and I enjoyed seeing what is turning out to be good quality Kinect games. Also all the amazing games included like

Kinect Star Wars
Kinect Sports Season 2
Kinect Sesame Street
Ghost Recon Future Soldier (An amazing display of Kinect integration)
Forza 4 (Xbox 360 controller and Kinect compatible)
Fable the Journey (Xbox 360 controller and Kinect compatible)
And more…

They knocked it out of the park with those games and more, and they also displayed more amazing games such as Halo Combat Evolved HD which blew me away and I’ll be first in line at midnight for that on November 15th. As well as announcing all the new Xbox Live additions come this fall, full Kinect integration, a dashboard all in one place, an all around better experience.

And to round it out and send it off they finished with a visually amazing trailer directed by Tron Legacy Director Joseph Kosinsky for the new trilogy of Halo by 343, Halo 4 continuing the story after 3 and also announced was Halo 5 and 6. Hold your breath Halo fans because Halo 4 is coming to stores near you come Holiday 2012.

Microsoft didn’t have the best press conference but they definitely had one worthy of the record books, way to go Microsoft.

I give you a 9.0 out of 10

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