Background Image

Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dirt 3 Early Review

Whats up guys its time for my early review of Dirt 3! I'll talk about a few aspects of the game that I like and I'll probably give it a longer review later.

So lets kick off with the interesting Gymkhana mode, Gymkhana is a viral video created by Ken Block featuring him doing some amazing drifting stunts, this video also feature Pro Skate Border Rob Dyrdeck, this lead to Gymkhana 2.0, you should definitely go watch these videos.

I also like the addition of night racing, that adds a bit of thrill to the expirence.

The addition of a wide variety of vehicles ranging from the 1950s to current 2011 spice up the driving expirence making it more fun to try out multiple cars.

I love the driving mechanics in this game, there very smooth and I didnt find myself hitting that rewind button to much.

I wont talk about much more now until I put some more time into the game but for a first impression score Id give it a 9.5 for now, for the final review it might earn a 10.

Modern Warfare 3

Ok guys I dont know about you but I am getting syked for Modern Warfare 3, I caugt the world wide reveal trailer watching my boys the Dallas Mavericks own the Thunder, anyways to get back on track I am pretty excited. Now that three gaming studios (Raven Software Latest Wolfenstein game: Sledgehammer: Infinity War MW CoD games) are working on it that makes me even happier. I cant wait for the release and I know I'll be first in line at my gamestop for that midnight opening.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Whats Coming up?

Hey guys just wanted to let ya'll know real quick that I'm sorry I didnt write the Lego Pirates or Thor Reviews, I got bogged down and decided not to do them.

Coming up is a review of The Duke Nukem Demo review, and a few others that I'll tell you about when we get closer, so thanks for checking out my blog and stay tuned for new reviews.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

L.A. Noire Video Game Review

Ok guys here it is, an indepth review of L.A. Noire

Ok so L.A. Noire is a open world 1940s Cop Game developed by Rockstar. This game puts you into the shoes of Cole Phelps, a newly recruited LAPD Officer who has joined the force to "right the wrongs" he had commited in WWII. In the game Cole slowly works his way up advancing in the ranks as you complete a number of interesting cases.

Ok so in the campaign which is supposed to offer you 30 hours of gameplay I'm told, you complete cases and missions that ascend you through the ranks of an officer. These cases vary from petty crime cases to murder and bank robberies. The campaign has an extremely interesting campaign in my oppinion, some other reviews have stated that the missions can cometimes become repetetive but I respectfully disagree. The missions in this game are heart racing white knuckle cluching action. The campaign has a nice pace introducing you to the controls which I think are a little clunky but otherwise solid.

Ok lets start off with how the graphics are amazingly beautifull and should be a standard in every game, the graphics system is called MotionScan where the actors face is surrounded by 32 cameras to capture every little move a muscle. Its amazing how real the characters look and its definitely an award winning technology.

Now this graphics system is so indepth I was recognizing the actors that played there characters, in my eyes this game shoulds win game of the year for everything, Graphics, great story, actors and the list goes on.

The gameplay is pretty strong, its from a 3rd person perspective which is where the controls get a bit clunky, all you have to do to open a door or climb a ladder is to just move your guy to that object but sometimes your character will just kind of skip past it and it can be frustrating when your in a foot chase. Other then that the gameplay is fun and exciting, taking cover behind a car as you engage in a gun battle with bank robbers, never gets old.

Final Score
Ok so lets get down to my final score, I'm gonna rocket out and give this game a 9.5 out of 10.
It has a solid exciting story and great gameplay plus amazing Graphics, there are a few minor problems which earn it that 9.5 but for me there easily overlooked.

Ok guys I hope you enjoyed this interview, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reviews Coming Up

Ok guys whats up its Jordan here and I got a little info on my upcoming reviews. Ok so on my next reviews I'll try to get more in depth so I hope that works out.

5/18/2011: L.A. Noire In depth game review
5/18/2011: Lego Pirates of the Caribean
5/19/2011: Thor God of Thunder

Only three this week so far, I haven't had an extreme amount of time to play these games, I just started L.A. Noire this morning around 1 am after getting back from the midnight release and I'll probably play it for at least 5 hours until I am worthy of a decent review, I have put about 6 hours into Lego Pirates and about 5 hours into Thor. I am scanning the new games release for upcoming games so stay tuned.

And another special treat will be the Duke Nukem Forever Demo on June 3rd, I am part of the first access club through Borderlands Game of the Year Edition and will be gaining acess to the demo on the 3rd. I will write a small review for the demo and a normal review for the game when it comes out.

Thanks for checking in and come back tomorrow around 5:00 pm pacific central time for L.A. Noire and Lego POTC reviews, thanks guys.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brink Video Game Review

Whats up guys, Jordan here to bring you a review on the new game Brink developed by Splash Damage for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows.

"In Brink, two factions, Resistance and Security, battle in a once-utopian city called The Ark, a flotaing city above the waters of a flooded Earth.
Brink is a first person shooter with a focus on parkour-style movement. Online multiplayer servers hold up to 16 players; players can play cooperatively or competitively, or against artificially-intelligent bots." Wikipedia

"The game is set in the near future on an enormous floating city called The Ark, which is situated off the coast of San Francisco and is designed to sustain humans in the event of an environmental catastrophe.
The Ark was meant to house only 5,000 people, but ended up having to accommodate 50,000. Facing a lack of food, clothing, and water, many residents became dissatisfied and formed a faction called the Resistance, demanding more of these essentials.
The Ark's leaders refused, so the Resistance armed themselves to seize power and freely distribute water and food, claiming that the Ark had plenty of resources.
At its inception, The Ark had little need for a security force, but the city quickly began recruitment and went on a firearm shopping spree to defend themselves against the Resistance, resulting in the creation of a powerful defence force known as Security.
Now the only place on The Ark where there is any level of peace is around the central capital, where the Ark's leaders are frantically trying to contact the outside world for aid.
Security sees the Resistance as a terrorist group, and the Resistance sees Security as oppressive soldiers hired by the Ark's "leaders" to crush the Resistance. Both factions are playable." Wikipedia

The Story is interesting, in the way it revolves around the battle between Resistance and Security. The story has a purpose and that's what makes Brink's story not so interesting. Its that sterotypical struggle between the underdogs and the military type force. These days coming up with a totally new and interesting story is hard concidering that many of the ideas have already been used over and over again. I will say this, Brink has an interesting spin on the story and its enough to keep me hooked to finish it at least once.

The Campaing in this game basically is the Multiplayer, one team is Security defending an objective and the other team is the Resistance attacking the objective. It supports 16 players online and also as AI Bots, the player can choose to play cooperatively or competitively. The game has four classes, the Soldier, the Medic, the Engineer, and the Operative.

The Soldier can resupply himself and his teammates with ammo, and can also use explosives to destroy objectives.

The Medic can heal or revive fallen teammates and buff up other teammates' health making them stronger.

The Engineer can buff his teammates' weapons making them stronger and can also plant stationary gun turrets as an assitant to fighting the enemy team.

The Operative can interrogate enemies to receive intel on enemy locations as well as preforming acts of sabotage and disguising himself as the enemy team.

The custmization options in this game are absotlutely astounding, to quote wikipedia's Brink article there are "102 quadrillion unique character combinations" varying from weapons and weapon attachments, to outward appearance such as shirts, pants, masks, and other items. From my personal oppinion developers need to take note of this games customization option, its definitely a deal maker for me.

The graphics all in all aren't too amazing, there pretty average, they will most likely appeal to the average gamers eye but if your thinking about purchasing this game for graphics I would rethink that decision. It runs on the smooth modified version of the Id Tech 4 Engine, in my personal oppinion the game really does utilize the engine well.

8.5 out of 10
I'm giving this game an 8.5 out of 10 for its stellar gameplay and customization options, everything else is sort of average.

This interview wasn't too indepth but hopefully it was good enough for you to make a decision, if your still unsure then go watch some videos and read some other reviews, never make your decision based on one review.