Background Image

Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dirt 3 Early Review

Whats up guys its time for my early review of Dirt 3! I'll talk about a few aspects of the game that I like and I'll probably give it a longer review later.

So lets kick off with the interesting Gymkhana mode, Gymkhana is a viral video created by Ken Block featuring him doing some amazing drifting stunts, this video also feature Pro Skate Border Rob Dyrdeck, this lead to Gymkhana 2.0, you should definitely go watch these videos.

I also like the addition of night racing, that adds a bit of thrill to the expirence.

The addition of a wide variety of vehicles ranging from the 1950s to current 2011 spice up the driving expirence making it more fun to try out multiple cars.

I love the driving mechanics in this game, there very smooth and I didnt find myself hitting that rewind button to much.

I wont talk about much more now until I put some more time into the game but for a first impression score Id give it a 9.5 for now, for the final review it might earn a 10.

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