Background Image

Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reviews Coming Up

Ok guys whats up its Jordan here and I got a little info on my upcoming reviews. Ok so on my next reviews I'll try to get more in depth so I hope that works out.

5/18/2011: L.A. Noire In depth game review
5/18/2011: Lego Pirates of the Caribean
5/19/2011: Thor God of Thunder

Only three this week so far, I haven't had an extreme amount of time to play these games, I just started L.A. Noire this morning around 1 am after getting back from the midnight release and I'll probably play it for at least 5 hours until I am worthy of a decent review, I have put about 6 hours into Lego Pirates and about 5 hours into Thor. I am scanning the new games release for upcoming games so stay tuned.

And another special treat will be the Duke Nukem Forever Demo on June 3rd, I am part of the first access club through Borderlands Game of the Year Edition and will be gaining acess to the demo on the 3rd. I will write a small review for the demo and a normal review for the game when it comes out.

Thanks for checking in and come back tomorrow around 5:00 pm pacific central time for L.A. Noire and Lego POTC reviews, thanks guys.

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