Background Image

Hey guys I am looking for someone who can make me a small background image, something I can display on this blog because as of now I do not have Photoshop so I cant really make anything cool. So contact me at

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gears of War 3 Full Review

Let’s start off with the campaign, in my opinion the Campaign is probably the second best mode of this game, the graphics and story just sucked me in and before you know it I had beaten the entire thing in a night. Now I’ve never played Gears 1 or 2 so I had no idea what the storyline was, but I felt that I didn’t need too. This is a game you can just pickup and play and not have to know really anything about the previous games if you’re not into knowing everything before you play it. So I give the campaign a 5/5, no glitches, no extremely tough spots of the game, it was a great immersive experience and I’ll definitely go back and play the first two.

Ok, now its time for what most of the Gears fans couldn’t wait for, the multiplayer. Let me just start off saying I am not going to give it a bad review because I suck at it, even though I was bringing in scores of 2-15 in Team Deathmatch I was having so much fun, I believe that’s what the developers wanted. I did have one game where I went 22-7 which I thought was near impossible, but back to the point I loved the multiplayer. Now if I invested time into it I could probably kick ass at it but I just don’t have the time to invest. One of the things I didn’t like was AI being in multiplayer, I know it’s just there to fill in a position until someone else joins but I often found the AI on my team never getting a kill and constantly dying, made the experience not as fun when playing with AI. So my final verdict is a 4/5 for the multiplayer.

Horde Mode
Now this is probably the best mode in the game for me, it is an amazing experience when you get a group of friends together to play horde mode. About midnight the other night I hopped on with four randoms and played for like 2 hours (Made it to Wave 43). It was a good fun especially when I accidently took a teammates silverback and didn’t realize he had bought it, I though it had just spawned in, so for the next 24 waves he spent his time shooting me trying to get me to get out of the silverback, I though he was just some annoying brat. Anyways the Horde mode is a great way to just chill from campaign and multiplayer and have some fun with some friends. 5/5

Beast Mode
Now I only had the time to play a match of Beast mode and found it intriguing, I didn’t get too sucked in but thought it was an interesting addition to an already great game. 4/5

So that pretty much concludes this review, I hope it was insightful and if you haven’t picked up the game yet then I highly recommend you do.

Final Score 9.5/10

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Updates!!

Alright ladies and gents, the posts are going to be starting again, sorry for the very long hiatus, I was taking time off and I have been extremely busy working and doing school. Yesterday I just opened an account with GameFly, my first game shipped today (Gears of War 3) and Ill play it the rest of the week and all weekend, I'll have you a review by Monday.

I know its a little late seeing as GoW3 was released exactly a month ago but I thought I'd do it anyway, tomorrow I will give you my impressions of the Battlefield 3 Beta and a full review once I purchase the game later this month. Other than that I will try to get you one review a week and two or three small reviews during the week. So a week will consist of

Monday: Big Review: Indepth Analysis of every mode in the game and the game itself.
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Mini Review: Of an Arcade Game or Indie Game off Xbox Live or an Arcade Game off PSN
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Mini Review: Of an Arcade Game or Indie Game off Xbox Live or an Arcade Game off PSN
Saturday: Nothing
Sunday: A recommendation of some games to check out on various consoles.

So you guys will have plenty of content and eventually I may even get some sort of capture card and start doing video reviews.
-Jordan McCaleb

P.S. If there is a day that I wont be able to post I will notify you ahead of time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Top Ten: July Update

Ok guys lets get started with my top 10 games to watch for, July edition

#10: Rage
I saw a bit out of Rage at E3 with their campaign demo, it was solid and I like the Borderlands style gameplay with realistic graphics and the vehicle driving point of the game. Developer id Software has stated that a large focus of the game is vehicle driven; I'm excited to see how that plays out in the long run in terms of the game's entire single player campaign.

#9: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier
I saw some good stuff from Future Soldier at E3, like the Kinect compatibility with the whole gun cage thing, where you can use your hands and body to create your own gun, and they tested the gun using Kinect. Future Soldier would definitely be an interesting campaign to play through using Kinect; I'm excited to see what Ubisoft brings to the table in this latest installment.

#8: Batman: Arkham City
AC looks like another successful entry into the Batman game city, the opportunities, and abilities in this game are astounding, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. This game is turning out to be a hit, if you haven’t seen the gameplay go search for it on Youtube; this is a definite game to watch.

#7: Gears of War 3
I'm excited about Epic Games' next chapter in the GoW series, the previous two campaign wise have been great, 2s multiplayer was not so great but I'm confident there going to pull out all the stops for this one, the beta was fantastic. I would hope that this campaign will knock 1 and 2s out of the park.

#6: Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
I don’t have a lot to say about Skyrim except wow, so far it looks like this game is going to do everything ES IV veterans want it to; Skyrim will be yet another successful chapter in the series.

#5: Assassins Creed Revelations
AC Revelations looks like a good entry into the series, I didn’t get into the Assassins creed series until recently but I enjoyed it, Brotherhoods multiplayer was a good addition and I'm glad there bring that back for Revelations.

#4: Halo Combat Evolved HD
I am excited for CE HD because Halo CE was the second FPS I played and I had a successful 3 year Major League Gaming career with Halo 3 and Halo Reach, I'm glad 343 took this step to revive a classic, with the added multiplayer and updated graphics Halo CE HD will be everything it would have been if released for the first time today.

#3: Halo 4
Halo 4 doesn't come out for well over a year (Holiday 2012) but 343 reviving the series with not one, not two, but three confirmed new Halo games creating a new trilogy surprised gamers all around. I expected 343 to continue the Halo series but not with direct sequels to 3, I'm very excited for next year.

#2: Modern Warfare 3
I'm slowly starting to build my interest back into the Modern Warfare series, Infinity Wards next installment along with the assistance of Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software is looking to be another great entry, but how long can they continue to make good CoD games, the public will grow bored eventually.

#1: Battlefield 3
I am so excited for Battlefield 3, I cant wait for this visual breakthrough of a game and as always Dice's expert sound design, I am glad Dice decided to port Battlefield 3 to consoles, I would have not been to happy knowing I had to buy a PC to play it.

Yes I know there are a few games that should have made this list and dont worry, they will, I havent forgotten Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex Human Revolution, there still out there and they'll make it into the top 10.

Thanks for reading guys -Jordan

A Post!

Sorry for another hiatus guys, I lost track of time, later on I'll be posting an update of the 10 games I'm watching out for as of July, hope you all had a great July 4th weekend to the US readers.

Note: I decided to not post a full Duke Nukem Forever review because I HATED the game, I wont go into to much detail but the gameplay was almost worse then the demo and the actual game was just flat out apalling, so many crude jokes and refrences that were uncalled for even for Dukes' character, my final score is a 5.0.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Short Break

Ok guys Im going to be taking a short break until Thursday, I am writing a book (Yes I am really writing a book) and I need finish this chapter I'm on and give it to my editor so there probably wont be any posts till Friday, but dont worry I'll have an extra long Duke Nukem Forever review for you come Friday.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Everything E3 Part 2

Ok guys so here is part 2, I am pretty excited about games that were shown at E3, games like Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Star Wars Kinect, Battlefield 3, Saints Row 3, Forza 4 and many more. So lets get started with my favorite games of E3 and why.

My #10 would have to be Saints Row The Third:
I played a little Saints Sow 2 at a friends house and eventually bought it to play through it myself, it had alot of flaws but the flaws made it fun, things like customizing police cars and the insurance fraud were probably my favorite things to do in that game. So I do look forward to the Third.

My #9 would have to be Rage:
Rage looks like an interesting FPS and from footage I have seen I definitely look forward too Rage.

My #8 would have to be Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary:
This would be higher on my list because Halo is a big part of my gaming career (I just retired from MLG Halo gaming after a 2 1/2 year career) but its just the campaign remastered with multiplayer.

My #7 would have to be Modern Warfare 3:
I am giving Call of Duty its last run for me, not because I hate it but because I have been playing CoD since CoD 2 and MW3 will be my final ode to Cod, I'll hit top rank and set it on my shelf of honor.

My #6 would have to be Resident Evil Raccoon City:
I got a late start on the Resident Evil series buying and playing through the entire co-op campaign of Resident Evil 5 with my brother while we were home for holiday. I enjoyed that all nighter 9 hours of gaming beating it and its a big example of what gaming should be.

My #5 would have to be Fable The Journey:
I am super excited to play Fable The Journey with kinect, it looks like a genuinely satisfying experience and I look forward to blasting people away with my spells.

My #4 would have to be Star Wars Kinect:
After seeing gameplay of this it gave me goosebumps, being able to hack away droids and force push troopers makes me so happy and excited Kinect is the next thing I'm buying.

My #3 would have to be Forza 4:
I recently bought the Xbox 360 250gb slim in January and got Forza 3, I played the hell out of that game and loved it so I look forward to the graphically amazing Forza 4.

My #2 would have to be Ghost Recon Future Soldier:
I played the Ghost Recon series on my PS2 playing the first game and loved that game, after that I fell of that wagon and haven’t picked one up since. Future Soldier looks absolutely awesome, to me its like a blend of Metal Gear Solid and Ghost Recon, I look forward to building a gun with kinect and killing enemies.

My #1 would definitely be Battlefield 3.
I have played the battlefield series since Bad Company #1 and when I saw gameplay for Battlefield 2 I thought will there ever be a three, so I went on too Bad Company 2 and heard an announcement about 3, oh my god this game will take the cake over MW3 by miles. Dice has outdone themselves again and it isn’t even out yet.

So these are my top 10, there were many more I liked and will get but they just didn’t make the Top 10 list.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My thoughts on E3 Part 1: Microsoft PC

This will be coming out in 4 parts, Microsoft PC, Sony PC, Nintendo PC,  My favorites of E3) Note: PC stands for Press Conference.

Ok guys here it is late and ready, my everything at E3 post, I decided to wait until E3 was over so I could include more than my first thoughts.

So lets start of with Press conferences, I think Microsoft had a successful press conference, I did like that it was Kinect heavy and I enjoyed seeing what is turning out to be good quality Kinect games. Also all the amazing games included like

Kinect Star Wars
Kinect Sports Season 2
Kinect Sesame Street
Ghost Recon Future Soldier (An amazing display of Kinect integration)
Forza 4 (Xbox 360 controller and Kinect compatible)
Fable the Journey (Xbox 360 controller and Kinect compatible)
And more…

They knocked it out of the park with those games and more, and they also displayed more amazing games such as Halo Combat Evolved HD which blew me away and I’ll be first in line at midnight for that on November 15th. As well as announcing all the new Xbox Live additions come this fall, full Kinect integration, a dashboard all in one place, an all around better experience.

And to round it out and send it off they finished with a visually amazing trailer directed by Tron Legacy Director Joseph Kosinsky for the new trilogy of Halo by 343, Halo 4 continuing the story after 3 and also announced was Halo 5 and 6. Hold your breath Halo fans because Halo 4 is coming to stores near you come Holiday 2012.

Microsoft didn’t have the best press conference but they definitely had one worthy of the record books, way to go Microsoft.

I give you a 9.0 out of 10